"The Western Collection" is a series of artworks dedicated to the western lifestyle and the modern-day cowboy. Beau has spent the last six years driving across the United States in various seasons to create a truly authentic body of work. From the low valleys in Texas to the high country mountains in Montana, this collection covers a vast territory filled with incredible images and even better stories. A collection portraying grand moments of large scale down to the detailed subjects that generally are overlooked or not praised enough.

Each of these artworks is available for purchase and comes in various sizes. For more info on pricing and sizing, please fill out the form below and you will be connected to one of the galleries that represent Beau's work. 

If you would like to find out additional framing and printing info, click here. Thank you.


One of my favorite evenings while exploring these harsh winter conditions on the western side of the Teton range in Idaho. During a light snowfall and an exhausting hike through four feet of fresh snow, I placed my hat on this old fence post to capture this photo. The heavy fog danced through the trees and would every once in a while give way to the sun, lighting up the snow in a golden hue. The barbed wire was already stripped down to the bottom of the post and was covered in about a foot of snow. The old wood was splintering at the base and could barely hold itself up due to the weight of many winters in which it had endured. Large flakes blew in faster with every gust of wind and found their resting place on my hat. I stood there up to my waist in snow, my toes frozen, and my face covered in frost. After about ten minutes in the cold, I was stunned by the image that had created itself before me. A simple yet powerful composition that describes my vision of the west. A vision that turns into a passion for capturing authentic moments in efforts to preserve this way of life. For those who have come and gone and to those who are keepin' on. My hat is off to you.


Sometimes photos don’t need a full story. Sometimes it’s just simple moments like this that tell it all. The details in the stirrups all the way up to the cracks and blood-stained chaps are enough. To me, this photo simplifies and sums up what it’s like to be a cowboy. To work seven days a week under the hot sun or in below-freezing temperatures. To wear and represent gear that is specific to you and serves a purpose for every single thing you do. To me, this photo shares the untold story of many men and women who live this lifestyle and the blood, sweat, and tears that go into it.

 This artwork was created while visiting some friends of mine in Montana on a ranch not far from Yellowstone. This day was full of heavy winds and light snowfall. After capturing various photos of a few cowboys working horses in these brutal conditions, I was fascinated with how this photo came to mind. The snow was sticking all over this cowboy, from his hat all the way down to his boots in the stirrups. It completely caught me off guard and I immediately focused my attention on just his boots and captured this detailed artwork that shows the ruggedness and passion that goes into this lifestyle. Passed down from one generation to the next, preserving these family traditions.


Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been fascinated by horses. It took me up until my mid-twenties to start riding and getting to understand the mindset of these animals. How to work with them and the proper steps to earn their trust without applying too much pressure. Each horse has its own personality, disposition, and characteristics. When I was working on a ranch back in 2020, I was out working with a few guys throwing flakes of hay off of the feed truck out in the pasture just before sunset. Soon after we finished, I was walking through the field and noticed this unique pattern on this horse. The horse, completely covered in white, had this one black spot just behind his neck and two more along the right side of his belly. The gentle breeze that evening was blowing through his mane and it created such a unique composition for this photograph. Still to this day, I’m filled with a gentle and joyful feeling when I look at this artwork.


While visiting some ranching friends in Montana, I had the idea of capturing a unique composition that tells the story of the harsh conditions throughout this valley just outside of Yellowstone in the winter months. Many cowboys who ride through these ranges very often find all kinds of antler sheds and other items along their journey. I wanted to showcase an old deer antler shed tied to the saddle while covered in snow from this gloomy and cold day.


The ever so popular Mormon Row barns. This is a place I have photographed over and over again. In the spring and in the fall. Year after year. However, this was my first time visiting this historical place in the heart of winter. During the winter the road that most people travel on is completely snowed over. It’s just under a mile of a hike out to this barn but the difficult thing is navigating from where you park and how much snow you’ll have to hike through. This was a morning consisting of -15F temperatures, light snowfall, and one very motivated photographer. With multiple layers on, two sets of gloves, toe warmers in my boots, and a ski mask to keep my face as warm as possible, I started my hike around 5:00 am. After hiking through about three feet of snow, I arrived just before sunrise. My face was covered in frost, I knew that having a camera out in these conditions wouldn’t last long. I could feel the stiffness in my hands, the frost freezing my eyelids together, and knew that I may only have about five minutes to capture this photo. Hurrying to set up the perfect composition, I was racing against not only sunrise but now the frost that had formed on my camera. I have never seen this place so covered in snow. Besides this rare moment that I was able to capture, I also came home with minor frostbite on my left hand. Was it worth it? Absolutely.


Arguably one of the most famous and largest ranches in Texas, the Four Sixes covers 266,255-plus acres of land along the western region of the state. It has been featured in multiple documentaries including the hit television series, Yellowstone. Aside from all of the fame this ranch has amassed over the past 150-plus years, it is also a place where some of the best cowboys in the country call their home. 

 One of those cowboys happens to be a friend of mine named Brewster Guin. I met Brew one afternoon outside of his home in Guthrie, TX, and immediately connected with him. A man with calloused hands and a smile that never faded. He and his wife offered me a place to stay with them and their newborn daughter for a few days while I captured photos of their life on the Four Sixes ranch. From feeding cows in the morning and counting stars in the evening, we never ran into a dull moment. Nights spent sharing stories along with a cold beer in our hands, these are the moments I will forever cherish.


The crew took a break under the high Texas sun while sharing laughs and stories about past times. I captured this photo just before we headed back to headquarters for a quick lunch break before working the calves again for the second part of the day. Covered in dirt, sweat, and blood, this photo captures the bond these men share while working in these tough conditions. The winters can be brutal and the heat of the summers can kill a man if he isn’t prepared. No matter what the day calls for, there is work to get done and I can promise you, it takes a lot more than the heat to kill these men. 

 Texas just does things differently from the rest of the world. It’s a place where hospitality is celebrated and generosity is in your blood. A place where legends are born. Most importantly, it’s a place where people have taught me a lot about myself. I always count down the days to once again return to this beautiful state. Until then, I’ll just reminisce on moments like this.


The sun had just stuck its nose out from behind the horizon, warming up the cold desert morning in rich golden light. After checking on the cows and taking a routine head count, this photo was captured shortly before loading up the horses in the trailer. The simplicity in this photo creates balance while also allowing you to engage in the finer details. The weathered leggings covered in dust, the sweat all over the horse, its mane blowing in the breeze, and the lariat rope set back into position after a long morning of work. During the winter months, all of the vegetation dries up, giving way to a valley of dust. Days were spent often alone with nothing but the sounds of lowing from distant cows and spurs singing along to each step from the horse. A life not many can endure but for the ones that can, I salute you. This photo is dedicated to the men and women who represent this lifestyle and live it to the fullest.


The cowboy and western lifestyle is always in an ebb-and-flow state in our society. When new hit television shows or movies come out, it tends to rise again in popularity in pop culture. What most people don’t see is that there is a thriving community that is still hard at work every single day behind barbed wire fences. Men and women caring for the land and the animals that we rely on in this country. Most of us can become easily distracted by a society that has misled us to believe that luxury items, vanity, and fame, are the only examples of success. Where value is determined by the number in one’s bank account. We’re constantly scrambling to make it to the top without realizing that these lifestyles and items are only temporary. You can’t take them with you once you’ve given your bones back to the earth. I captured this photograph out in west Texas just outside the small town of Marfa. I wanted to create an artwork that honors the American cowboy and places them at the forefront of our culture. A way to highlight them and their story. When trends shift and modern-day influence fades, cowboys never die.


In December of 2022, I was invited to capture photos of the cowboys at the 6666 Ranch for their last branding of the year. The day before this photo was captured, we were working on a southern pasture in muddy conditions on a cold winter morning. All of the cowboys, including writer and creator of the television series Yellowstone, Taylor Sheridan, spent all day branding their last group of calves for the season. The following morning, I drove from the North Camp where I was staying and met with all the guys again in front of the iconic L Barn. Waiting for the sun to rise, we gathered horses and exchanged stories alongside a warm cup of coffee before finally setting up the composition I had in mind. I wanted to create an image that captures the spirit and bond between these men. An image that celebrates the hard work and selflessness that goes into maintaining the ranch, the land, and the livestock that feed from it. Lastly, an image that honors this historic ranch and those who have worked under its brand. I am honored to have been accepted to create this artwork alongside the cowboys at the 6666 Ranch in collaboration with Taylor Sheridan.


This artwork was an image that was captured while visiting a ranch in Stephenville, TX. Each one of these women either cowboy daily or compete in rodeos. I have been wanting to highlight more women throughout my work who represent the western lifestyle. Their presence in this industry and in our lives is needed and should be honored. I photographed this moment just as they were finishing up doctoring some cattle and had a break to enjoy the sun along with a few cold beers. After all, western women sure do know how to keep up with us men while also showing us up more often than we’d like to admit. When I tell you that these women are just built differently, it’s clear from the moment you shake hands with them. They don’t care about the dirt under their nails, the mud on their boots, or the occasional thorns twisted up in their hair. When it comes to maintaining the land and the animals they look after, they don’t cut corners or have time to complain. However, when the work is done, they still know how to throw on an outfit that catches stares from every corner of the saloon. The balance of a nurturing and strong woman is one of the most admirable traits. You just don’t see it everywhere but when you do, you know it’s special. My hat is off to the women who represent this lifestyle and everything they contribute to it.


I captured this photograph on a ranch in Weatherford, TX. A family who has become dear friends of mine. A family who has been ranching for over six generations. When I visited, I was introduced to an office-sized room filled with floor-to-ceiling picture frames hanging on every wall, vintage saddles, old books, and dusty hats that have been passed down through the family. Six generations full of memories and moments to look back on. Row upon row of photographs with stories illustrated beneath them. Spider webs interweaving between layers of old cowboy hats. I was in awe at the amount of history that was preserved on this sixth-generation ranch. I knew I wanted to honor this family and other ranches who passed their Western heritage down to the next generation. After grabbing six hats off the rack, I set them up outside against a simple white backdrop to showcase the unique characteristics of each one. A way to honor their story and the cowboys who once wore them. After capturing this photo I sat there thinking about the men and women who have once worn these hats. Their life has come and gone but their memory will always live on. A cowboy may hang up their hat when it’s time to go but eventually, someone else will come along and continue its legacy. Until then they are kept untouched and left hanging on the rack. There for us to honor and pay our respects to the ones who came before us.


Last year I introduced the release of "The World Needs More Cowboys" and it immediately became a huge release that has completely sold out. It has been one of my top-selling artworks and has created a connection between my collectors and followers who enjoyed it so much. With that said, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I recreated this concept but with cowgirls taking the podium and giving my full respect to their work within the western industry. I am excited to release, "The World Needs More Cowgirls."

This image was created with five amazing women in Texas at a local country store just outside the town of Stephenville. Each of them either cowboy full time or competes in the rodeo world. They have become great friends, and I am so happy to bring this image to life in honor of them and the rest of the women in this lifestyle.


Things got a bit western just before this photo was taken. After riding up to an overlook above the East Verde River, just southwest of the town of Payson, AZ, we spotted this perch hanging above the cattle below. One of the cowboys looked over at me and said, "How about a photo of us with our horses up there?" Now I was thinking the same myself, but I wasn't about to ask these guys to risk themselves or their horses going over the edge in some freak accident. With excitement on my face, I replied, "Hell yeah, let's do it." After they got situated and ensured the horses were safe, I set myself up in the right position and started to line up the composition through my viewfinder. As I counted down from three, one of the horses lunged forward, completely disrupting the photo and the cowboys sitting on the edge of this cliff. They leaped up and immediately grabbed the reins and calmed the horses down. If that horse wanted to lunge any further, it would have taken itself and the cowboy up front off the edge nearly 100 feet down into the river. After repositioning and making sure everything was at peace, we captured this incredible and one-of-a-kind photos in central Arizona. You could say we all shared a few anxious laughs and smiles afterward.


"Sonoran Glow" is a photograph that I captured while documenting cowboys in the Gila County of Arizona, near the town of Globe. Shortly after sunrise, we saddled up the horses and began our trek through the vast desert before climbing up along this hillside for the composition. It was my intention to capture something that not only reflects a classic western scene but also honors the men and women who live it on a daily basis. A life full of pushing cattle through rough landscapes filled with cacti and mesquite. Brush that shreds clothing and leaves its mark in a good pair of chaps. Cholla cactus gets caught up in the horse's hair before its spines eventually find their way into your skin. There ain't nothing easy about working in this type of country and these Arizona cowboys are some of the toughest people I've been fortunate enough to capture. During the setup of this photo, I hiked uphill with a ladder thrown over my shoulder, slipping on loose rock all the way up to this lookout while sweat ran down my face in the morning sun. Since we were on an incline, I had to stack rocks in order to balance the ladder which gave me the proper height I needed to be above the Saguaro cactus and the two cowboys on horseback. As the valley began to light up, I had them look off to the distant Superstition Mountains as I captured this photo. To me, it showcases an image where two cowboys are scanning the hillsides for cattle to round up on a typical day in the Arizona desert. It reminds me of all the western movies I used to watch as a kid. Something taken straight out of the 90s and allowing the viewer to reflect on a previous time.


This artwork here is called Leather & Steel. It's a photograph dedicated to the western lifestyle and the modern-day cowboy. This image was captured on a ranch just outside of Stephenville, TX. I set up a black fabric backdrop and wanted to focus on a clean composition that represents the iconic western saddle. A symbol and tool that the world immediately recognizes alongside the image of a cowboy. The old leather full of scuffs and tears from years of hard work on the land is met with the tough steel that helps keep everything together. Etches in the stirrups hold stories and memories that are passed down from generations. A lifestyle that isn't dead but is evolving and will continue to push on through the fast-paced technological times we live in. To those of you who continue to work the land and help provide food for this nation, my hat is off to you. This artwork is dedicated to each and every one of you and I hope it shares a story we can all relate to or find joy in.


Leggings or Chaps have always been a staple tool for the cowboy. Made of leather, these are made to withstand the brutal conditions that these men and women surround themselves in on a daily basis. Each pair has its own identity woven throughout and compliments the personality of the owner they are worn by. This image was captured in Arizona after photographing a few cowboys working just outside the town of Globe. Small tears and scuff marks filled up almost every inch of these old leggings that had been punctured by years of cacti and mesquite brush. As I set up a white backdrop at the ranch, we took this photo in the late afternoon sun which gave me the perfect contrast I was looking for. The fringe accent on the back of the leggings showcases so much detail and adds character to the giant vintage spurs that this cowboy uses for his boots. The creases in his boots tell a story of a pair that have been used for many years and are barely holding together. Duck tape used along the front toe to keep the sole together highlights just how many stories they have to tell. I call this artwork, "The Old Ways."

Print Enquiry Form

Beau's limited edition photographic prints are available to purchase. Prices range depending on size and editions.

Once you have completed the inquiry form below, we will be in touch to provide you with one of the galleries that represent Beau's work. They can help answer any questions relating to the price and size of your chosen image or idea.

To see what a Beau Simmons Fine Artwork would look like in your home, please email a photo of the wall space where you would envision hanging the artwork and we will send you a rendering.

We aim to reply within one business day of receiving your email. Thank you.

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